Tips for Successful Cleansing

I love doing a yearly detox/cleanse. This allows my body to reset, rest and recharge. It helps alkaline my body and let go of inflammation. Cleansing allows my body to take a break from digesting all of the food. Allows my body and organs to detox. I love doing a raw cleanse/detox. But I need a little fat while cleansing. I can not just drink juice. For one, it throws off my blood sugar and my adrenals do not like it. When I do a liquid cleanse, I make sure I have added fat. Like blending an avocado or seeds into a green juice or smoothie. The fat allows the body to absorb all of the nutrients and vitamins. For me, this works the best. Our bodies work so hard for us 24/7, seasonally it is nice to do a little reset. Yearly I do a longer one for about 2 weeks.

For weekly maintenance, I like to eat 1 raw meal a day. Usually for me this is a green blended drink in the morning or afternoon. Or I like to eat a raw sprouted salad! Some weeks I do a liquid day. This can be a combo of juices, smoothies, raw soups…all with protein and fat. This keeps me energized and I can work my busy schedule without feeling weak or starving.

Right now is a great time to set intentions for how you want to feel in 2021. It is important before cleansing and detoxing to really set your intentions for your mind and body. What do you want to let go of? If you want to let go of excess weight, sugar, alcohol, gluten, dairy, processed foods, sodas, caffeine….this is all great! But how do you want to feel when you let go of these things and the extra weight? Confident, empowered, lean, beautiful, strong, healthy, fit!! I like to focus on the feeling instead of the outcome. Meaning if I want to lose weight, I focus on that feeling when the weight is gone! Or if I want to stop eating and binging on sugar, then I want to focus on how amazing it feels to nourish my body with the right foods and to be mindful around food and how that boosts my inner confidence and self esteem!

Do you want to let go of any behaviors that are not serving you? Like binging, picking, grazing, restricting, compulsive overeating or junk eating? All of this is great to get clear on before you do any cleanse. I encourage you to write a list of everything from food to behaviours to energies you want to release and let go of when it comes to your body and health. This can be a combo of mind, boy and soul.

Before you cleanse, it is important to cut out foods and alcohol that cause inflammation and can be more addictive like gluten, dairy, sugar, processed foods, sodas, caffeine and alcohol. Trust me, if you do this, your cleanse will feel so much better! I’ve learned the hard way!

After you are finished cleansing, ease back into your normal diet. Maybe you want to continue to cut out gluten, dairy and sugar. Maybe you want to cut back on the alcohol and caffeine. The purpose of cleansing and setting intentions is to make small baby changes that lead to long lasting results so you can live a healthy happy life. It is so important that what we put into our bodies matters now! We will pay now or pay later. This is the only body we get during this lifetime. Check out my IG @chefamberla for more videos on holistic tools for better living! I have a detailed IGTV video on my favorite healing tools I listed below! And DM me anytime if you have a question or comment on your healing journey! I love to stay connected to you all! Stay healthy and safe. Happy cleansing xoxo



  • Take some extra time to rest
  • Journal
  • Meditate
  • Get outside if you can
  • Read
  • Doodle, paint, draw
  • Be grateful that you are allowing your body to detox and heal
  • Take an epson salt bath
  • Dry scrub
  • Oil pull with coconut oil
  • Tongue scrape
  • Enemas and colonics…my top favorite tools when cleansing!
  • Do not over schedule yourself
  • This is a great time to try ti chi (online)
  • Stretch
  • Dance
  • Cry
  • Laugh
  • Play
  • Feel
  • Be easy on yourself. Sometimes emotions that have been stuck get stirred up and need to be released. This is part of detoxing. You might be sad, impatient, happy, depressed, fearful…all of this is normal. This is why when I am cleansing, I try and really create a safe container for myself to heal.

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