Caffeine-Free Energy

I’m off caffeine for a while, so I thought I’d post about some of my favorite ways to get energy without it! Don’t forget to get plenty of rest, eat nourishing foods, and get moderate exercise to keep yourself moving!

This week I made a morning energy cocktail (pictured) with Brain ON (E3 Live +)Ginger, Lemon, Cilantro, Dandelion & Turmeric (juiced) and Quinton… a great supercharge for the morning!

I also never miss my apple cider vinegar shot (mixed with warm water) in the morning… it’s my first energy boost of the day.

I’ve been mixing Royal Jelly with raw honey to get energy.

And, of course, my old favorite, the adaptogen hot cocoa, which uses maca, cacao, and reishi to energize me.

Whether you are kicking caffeine for good, or just taking some time away, try one of these options to add some energy to your day!

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