Back To School Snacks

It’s that time – your kids are either back to school or getting ready for the school year, and I know you want to make sure they’re getting the nutrition they need all day long!

So I thought I’d share a few snack ideas for the busy parent and busy child… both of whom still need to be fully nourished!

  • Make a smoothie (or smoothie bowl) in the morning so it’s ready when the kids get home from school. Bonus: freeze it so they can have “ice cream” after school! A lot of my smoothies have matcha and maca in them – – which you won’t want to use for kids. No need to substitute, just remove those ingredients. Also, you can sub chocolate chips for cacao nibs so your kids don’t get that cacao super-energy!

  • Put a snack box together with fruit, nuts & cheese OR a protein cookie or muffin with fresh veggies.

  • Make some protein pancakes for breakfast (or after kids leave for school,) and keep some around at room temperature for a snack later in the day. (Want this recipe? Let me know and I’ll share it!)

  • Try my buckwheat granola. Or make your own granola or trail mix with seeds, nuts, dried berries and chocolate chips.

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